UCP of the North Bay's 2023 End Of Year Ask image

UCP of the North Bay's 2023 End Of Year Ask

United Cerebral Palsy of the North Bay enhances the quality of life of people with cerebral palsy and other disabilities, their families and their communities.

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

Perfection may be something that we strive for, but it’s the little imperfections that make what we do and who we are special. These are things that we see in art and nature, and for many years what I have seen at UCP of the North Bay. We never stop because there is always something more we can do to help people with disabilities achieve their dreams. There is beauty in the attempt, purpose moving forward, and joy in seeing the achievements of others.

We are all a little imperfect in our own way, a crooked smile, a grey hair, a challenge with finding your first job or learning how to ride a bicycle. These are not less than, they are more than, and they define us as people. We never give up, we never stop trying, and we are a community of families, donors, volunteers, board members, staff members, and participants that support each other like no other.

We recently completed our Commission on the Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities review with no recommendations, which to some may mean that we achieved perfection. Our success just tells us that we are in an exceptionally good place to develop the next employment, education, or recreation program that will make a difference in the lives of people with disabilities.

As I retire this coming year, please know that UCP of the North Bay will continue to innovate and prosper with the incredible support and guidance that it has always received from our Board of Directors. To our Leadership Team, staff members, and participants, thank you all for making this the most perfect experience that I could have ever hoped for in my career.

Margaret Farman, CEO